08.14.04 + 9:57 am


It's 10 a.m., and I woke up about an hour ago to the lovely tune of Weezer in high rotation. [I can think of worse things to disrupt one's sleep.] I've got to do some things around the house, and then I'm off to Nashville this afternoon. Gah, it's going to be a long day...

I'm going there to see Ours play tonight. They only play once in a blue moon, and tonight's an occasion for that lovely, rare-tinctured heavenly body to show itself. [I think the last time they played live was about two-and-a-half years ago.] It's going to be a great show; the venue is small and intimate, and the cover's only $10. So, you really can't beat that, and there's no telling when they'll be touring again. [I'm so there.]

Thankfully, they're not going on until 10:00; Nashville is about five hours away from here, and I'm not looking forward to the drive. But, I've got all of the necessary materials at hand: a shitload of CD's, cigarettes, gum, and sunglasses. So, I'm all set.

All the people going are crashing for the night at Trey's house; he lives about half-an-hour outside of Nashville in Galatin, Tennessee. So, it's really nice of him to house us all for the night. Should be fun times... Hehe.




The Arch Nemesis will be there tonight, and I have no idea what to expect from him.

[Wish I had that CD ready to give him. Alas, it just isn't so...]


[song] "Across the Sea" by Weezer